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2022-02: new tool available to translate between datums. 2020-03: fixed annoyance with Google API in GPS Visualizer. 2015-06: fixed "display" URLs for Google and GeoHack. 2014-04: new version with minor improvements (around GPS Visualizer interface).

Adapted from to make it into a UTM/MTM interface to Google maps (it also works with lat/lon of course, and it also converts between these two formats, like the original JS). The application without any usage notes is available on a separate page, utmgoogleappQC.htm; also available, utmgoogle.htm a version supporting MTM across Canada.

lat/lon, UTM or MTM to Google maps (and others) interface

This is a simple tool to convert between UTM or MTM and lat/lon, and bring up the associated Google map from either. The Google map and satellite images presented are reasonably well positioned as far as I can tell (to within 10 meters or so -- more below).
Note: mapping to Google only works with the WGS-84 ellipsoid!

Select the desired ellipsoid and traverse Mercator parms (orange area), fill in the appropriate fields of either first (pink area) or second (yellow area) group (xTM is UTM or MTM, as appropriate, zone letter not relevant for MTM), and click on the adjacent Calculate or Display button to convert and, optionally, display in selected system specified below (you can also select same or separate window).

More details below.

Aug 2006: added MTM for Québec (see caveats below).
Sep 2006: added the topo maps (via GPS Visualizer).
Jan 2010: added interface to Bing maps. May 2011: added interface to GeoHack (used by Wiki), which allows access to all sorts of other tools.
Apr 2014: revisited the GPS visualizer interface.

These programs have been tested with a variety of browsers. They are written in Javascript, and should work on most modern browsers released since 2000. If you have any problem, please let me know exactly which browser and OS you are using. The Javascript code is all bog standard so should not have any undesired effects on your computer.

If you can see the interface and enter data, but nothing happens, then it's possible that you have disabled Javascript on your computer. My programs might even tell you this! You can save the programs to your PC easily - just right-click in the window and select "Save Source" in most cases. Save as html code.

Back to home page. If there are any problems or suggestions, please contact me:  (français, English, Deutsch). If you wish to support this work, you can make donations via PayPal.

Version 3.8 Apr 2014.

More usage notes [grounder] Pour clore, une suggestion de lecture fascinante sur l'histoire et les aspects techniques de la cartographie: L'aventure cartographique, de Jean Lefort.

Bulk conversion form

xTM to dec lat/lon converter, based on above parms. First text area contains easting and northing, with single blank separator (non numerics ignored), left aligned, one tuple per line. Click on Convert below. Output in second area. Sample input:
500111 5111222
500333 5333444

: output below.